Meet Our BOOKED Trips Costa Rica Partner: Sadie, Founder Soul Life Travel

by | Aug 9, 2024 | Blogs

Meet Our BOOKED Trips Costa Rica Partner: Sadie, Founder Soul Life Travel

A picture of a woman with curly hair in front of a waterfall

Partnership is at the core of BOOKED Trips book-inspired experiences. We support local creatives, guides, and businesses on each our experiences. We were able to partner with Soul Life Travel to curate a custom, private  experience for one of our BOOKED Trips alumni, Rhonda and twelve of her friends that highlighted the Afro-Caribbean experience in Costa Rica. Rhonda participated in last year’s BOOKED Trips Costa Rica experience inspired by Tricia Hersey’s book “Rest is Resistance” and wanted to recreate the magic with a group of her friends discussing one of her favorite books “The Seasons of Beento Blackbird” by Akosua Busia. Thanks to our partnership we were able to exceed our client’s expectations and give an authentic view into the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.

We sat down with Sadie to talk about the inspiration behind her business, her favorite book, and favorite places in the city:

Tell us a little bit about you and what inspired you to start Soul Life Travel.

A trip to Costa Rica, a year after a traumatic car accident, changed the scope of my personal and professional life. During this transformational trip I experienced firsthand the healing power of travel and the importance of finding one’s life passion. I changed career paths and started a career in tourism that spanned over a decade. I worked at some of the most famous travel companies in the world and realized they were not serving brown and black communities, both in clientele and in the areas visited.

Since that initial trip over 15 years ago, I contemplated how I could harness my skills, and experiences in helping others find peace and restoration through travel, I created Soul Life Travel in 2019.

The goal is to bring people together for culture, wellness, and adventure in the most unique locations of Costa Rica, particularly the overlooked Caribbean coast. I have experienced firsthand the healing and inspirational benefits of travel and want to aid in inspiring others!

Describe your perfect weekend in Puerto Viejo.

A perfect weekend is spending Saturday morning going to AM yoga, then heading to the local farmers market to do our weekly shopping. I may meet a friend and have a light breakfast at Bread and Chocolate. Sunday is spent at the beach and catching up with friends, then heading to Tasty Waves for a smash burger!

What food/dish immediately connects you to a place that you’ve been around the world?

I could be anywhere in the world but nothing beats, any dish from New Orleans. The food is infused with so much flavor, culture and SOUL!

What is a book you love to recommend?

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.

How can people support you and your work?

Come on a Soul Life Travel trip and then recommend it to your friends and family. First and foremost by supporting us you aid in us supporting our local partners who are the fabric of our community.

Interested in going on your own book-inspired travel experience?

Join us for one of our upcoming 2025 BOOKED Trips to Panama March 6-11, 2025 or South Africa April 4-15, 2025. We can also design a custom, private experience for you and a group of friends. Fill out our private trip interest form to learn more.

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